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Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Play

It is now past Thursday and we got our parts. I didn't get the part, and neither did Sammy or Sophia. Our friend Megan got the part. Sophia and I don't like our parts. Sammy is okay with hers. Our play is this Thursday at the Town Theatre. We learned the dance number on Friday. It was kind of fun, I guess. I am in the front with two other older girls named Paige and Ally. Our counselor Amanda said that we were in charge of knowing the dance number to teach to other people. I am kind of excited for the show.


Leslie M said...

Can't wait to see your play on Thursday night!

Paige said...

Paris, sounds great! There are no small parts, only small actors (and I don't mean stature).

LOVE your header. So cute.
