What is your favorite Winter Sport?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wave Runners

In Tahoe my family went on wave runners. They were awesome. I did it three times. My first one was kind of scary. I had no idea what to expect. After that I got more used to it and I decided to go super fast. My uncle took us 7000 RPM. I was so cool. The last time I went my aunt was driving and her hat flew off, so she grabbed it while making a huge sharp fast turn. We went as fast as lightning. My dad was on one with my sister and they got a big splash, my sister screamed and my dad didn't know if it was awesome, or if she was freaked out totally. She said it was awesome for a relief. Everybody had an awesome day except my cousin Sydney, she hit her chin on the wave runner.

1 comment:

Leslie M said...

That sounds like a good time, sweetie!
