What is your favorite Winter Sport?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hey friends of Paris! This is not Paris, but one of her friends, Jack McGill. Paris is so awesome! I mean, she has a blog, maybe a website, a great family, and a fantastic life! Me? Well, I met Paris during dance. What's wrong with a boy dancing? I don't ever get it. And, I'm a local professional comedian who has performed in many places, even TV! Don't believe me? Go to Youtube and search Jack McGill. I look like the average size of my age, and I have dirty blonde hair. I've performed at Stanford University, private dinners, and I've been on Cartoon Network. I know Cartoon Network isn't so popular, but at least you could get a chance to be on TV. Here are some of my websites. www.thebestcomics.weebly.com www.myboringdog.weebly.com www.jacksblogattack.blogspot.com 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today, my dad picked up our Terracotta Warrior. I don't know a name for him though. I was thinking Fred, but am still not sure. To the right, is Fred. So, please comment names to fred, of what to name him. PLEASE!

Twilight, Kids/Adults

Last night, I saw Twilight with my friend Emma. We both loved the book, and the movie. We had to take my mom, because it was PG 13, and yeah. She did NOT like it. I don't know why because, I loved it, and so did Emma. I think it was the fighting scene. Because there was all that glass and blood. I don't always understand my mom.

Please comment and tell me if you liked Twilight. PLEASE

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Shower Light

Last night for Chanukah, I got a present I have never even heard of. It is called a shower light. Let me tell you how it works. First, you hook it up to your shower. Then, you turn the water on. The light will either be red or blue. If the light is red, the water is warm. If the light is blue, the water is cold. Pretty cool. I am thankful for it because now I don't have to keep sticking my hand into the water when I want to get in the shower.

The picture above, shows the shower light. I think it is a cool little device. Really random though, Thanks dad, and little sissies.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Omg, I am reading the most AMAZING book right now. It is called twilight. If you have heard of the book, you should definitely read the book, or see the movie. It is like the best book ever. I don't know why some people don't want to read it. Like my friend, her friend, and I are both reading the book, and she is like, "I don't like vampires.'

My other friend Erika, is reading this. I think it is like the best book ever. For chanukah I got the second book, new moon. I am sooo excited to read it. It seems really good.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Act Like Girls

On Saturday, ski team started. Here is what happened.

Saturday: First day, finding out groups, pretty basic.

Sunday: In a group. Perfect day, nothing went wrong.

Monday( or known as today): Came at lunch, because wanted to sleep in. Sister did two laps on the same chair on the chair lift. Boys acted like girls. They were talking in sassy voices. One of them's dad was in the funitel. He was a fourth grader, that was acting very sassy. I don't know why people would do that. One of the boys was texting in the funitel. I would say that is a girl thing, totally. Accept middle school boys. My cousin's IM a lot, and is on facebook a lot too.

This afternoon, my sisters friend was over. We went to her cabin to get her to go to the hot tub, and her brother was acting like a drama queen. I din't know why today guys have been acting like girls. I guess it is just what they like to do.

That is all I have to say today, stay tuned to read more about my life. I really want more readers, so I can have more than my mom. I like to have more readers than her. She once told me, "Paris, you almost have as many readers as me." Bye.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another Name to the List.

My list of friends that have blogs, Delanie, Nicole, Sarah, Paige, and Jack. Jack is new on my list. As you can tell. There is one thing that is now different of my list, Jack is a boy. That is perfectly fine. There has never been a rule, that girls can't be friends with boys. My list contains 5 friends. I have other people on my blog list. These ones are just my friends. Read Jacks blog, it is pretty interesting. You can also go to thebestcomics.weebly.com. It is a cool website. You would be surprised that a 10 year old would make a website like this. Seriously.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Today I found out my state for my state report. My state is New York. I was supposed to know tomorrow, but my teacher told us today. I am very happy because I HATE anticipation. Repeat HATE. New York was my first pick, so I got lucky. I haven't gotten the assignment yet, but if anybody knows about New York, please comment about it. I know the basics, but need a lot more info.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Crazy Energy.

Okay, today mom said, "Paris, go update your blog." Since I don't have much home work, I decided to blog. Nothing really exciting in my life, so I am just going to blog about my crazy energy in math. Today I woke up, and DID NOT want to get out of bed. Repeat NOT.

Today at like 2:14 I got energy. I was HIPED. I am in Singapore Math, and my group was doing our work. Then I didn't feel it, but it was like I didn't feel it. I had soooooooooooo much energy.
It scared me. I was talking to my friend Kelly, and I was sooooooooo chatty. Seriously, it was weird. Well, that is all I have to say today.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Loosing Readers

EVERYBODY, READ THIS POST. I have a major dilemma. Not a lot of people are reading my blog. It is very hurt full. I work sooooo hard to update my blog with interesting events. I get sad when not a lot of people read my blog. Please tell people or I will stop blogging, and nothing will be written on my blog. I NEED YOUR HELP. Thanks. I only want to say that if you will be nice.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Mrs. Lewis was my fourth grade teacher. She was awesome. I would like to dedicate this blog post to her. She always wears very fashionable clothes. She also had two adorable little kids. Their names are Jillian and Hudson. They are soooooooooooooooooooo cute. Seriously. I bet not a lot of the people reading this put so many o's when the write so, but I like to do it. When I email my friend Sara, we always type like that. Weird habit, I know. I just like to do it. Back to Mrs. Lewis. She is an awesome teacher. Seriously I would ask her for every grade I will ever be in. She gives out lemon drops, when your good. 

If you look at the picture above, it will say worlds best teacher. It is sooo true. Now, I bet you are wondering why I am writing about her right. Well, Sarah and Paige were talking to her today, and I told her about my blog. Then she was like WOW. Then, I decided to write a post about her. That was that. As you can tell I added a new friend. Her name is Sarah. She is awesome.

Now I have 4 friends that blog. Maybe three, because, Nicole hasn't done it in a long time. If you go to her blog, you will see, she hasn't done it in a long time. Seriously, I don't know why. She must be crazy. Delanie, if you are reading this, PLEASE don't tell Nicole. As I finish this post, PLEASE COMMENT. I love to read comments, they are awesome.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Mini View

Here is a picture of the Power Tower in Atlantis. In one of the towers they had a mini thing of all the parts of Atlantis, enjoy.
