Anyway, back to what it is like. I would think the air would be more like hawaii, but its not even close. Last time I went to Hawaii, there were no waterslides. I can say I have done 4 out of 10. I have to beat my dad, because he has done 5 out of 10. I have to beat him, and my grandma. She has been skydiving, so I bet she has the guts to do all 10.
The picture at the left is picture of the first waterslide I did. It is called the challenger. It was a lot of fun. You race a person. I did it with my dad, and won. He thinks I won only because the guy up there gave me a signal to go first.
Yesterday we went into downtown Nassau. It was not what I expected. I would say it looked like Virginia City, in Nevata. I really liked the straw market. It was cool. The straw market had sooooooooooooo many things. I learned that all the coach bags, and there were a lot of coach bags, were rip offs. Or, that isn't the best word, fake, not real leather. My cousins were there, so we had dinner with them. It was sooooooo funny to see my sister pretend she and out cousin were bffwhlagsal. That means, best friends forever who have lunch and go shopping a lot. I got that from the suit life of zach and cody. Great show, you should watch it. London says that for your information.
Well, thats all I have to say for now, I'll shortley be writing more about Atlantis, and my color party with Delanie. Keep coming to my blog. PLEASE, and don't forget to COMMENT!
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