A couple days ago my sisters video camera came. I want you to know, my sister is 6. I personally think she is a little to young for a video camera. I have a video camera, and so does Delanie. We are at an age where it isn't unusual to have one. I have friends that have cameras and video cameras.
I would say she has a nicer video camera than me. Look at the picture above. That is her camera. I have a basic pink video camera. Nothing special, but it works. Hers is a voice recorder, video camera, camera, and MP3 player. I call that wow. The music you record, you can download to itunes, to put on your ipod. I want you to remember she is 6. A decent amount of my friends have a good camera. I have a flip video camera that can only record videos. My friends have basic ones too. Hers is unbelievable. It can do more than I expect on a camera. A LOT.
If she is happy, I guess I am too. PLEASE COMMENT. I don't get many comments, and I get sad.
Think of all the videos she will shoot of you!
I think the same way I have the one you have and it is like a normal one but hers is supper- de- duper WOW
Ha Ha I've seen Delanie's camera since I'm her mommy it is not as special as that one
paris rocks
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